Quantum matter refers to materials and systems that exhibit quantum mechanical behavior at the macroscopic scale. This includes phenomena such as superconductivity, magnetism, and topological order. Quantum matter research is driven by the desire to understand and control these exotic states of matter, with potential applications in quantum computing, energy storage, and advanced materials. Some of the key topics in quantum matter research include strongly correlated electron systems, topological insulators, and quantum phase transitions.

Research Groups


Experimental quantum information science, Quantum few-body system, Quantum optics, Artificial quantum materials, Ultracold physics, Nonlinear optics, Novel microscopy.

Haoxiang LI

Quantum materials, Strongly correlated systems, Topological electron, magnon and phonon systems, Superconductivity, Charge density wave, Quantum spin liquid.

Xiaoxiao WU

Metamaterials and wave-matter interactions, Functional Metamaterials for EM and acoustic waves, Topological photonic and phononic metamaterials, Terahertz and sub-terahertz photonics.

Jinguo LIU

Quantum computing and reversible computing, Tensor networks, Automatic differentiation, Scientific computing softwares.

Guoyi ZHU

Monitored quantum circuits, Tensor network wave functions, Out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics, Topological phases of matter and phase transitions, Correlated electrons: spin liquid and unconventional superconductivity.


Topological phases of matter, Electron correlations and unconventional superconductivity, Mesoscopic electronic charge, spin and valley transport, Correlation and topology in twisted bilayer systems, Quantum geometric and correlation effects in bilayer stacking/sliding ferroelectrics.

Rongfeng YUAN

Molecular dynamics, Electronic energy transport and conversion, Ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy, Optoelectronic materials.

Jiaying WU

Photon Energy Conversion, Photophysics, Device Physics, Charge Carrier Dynamics.

Chee Keong TAN

Semiconductor materials and devices.

Xiakun CHU

Theoretical and computational biophysics, Coarse-grained biomolecular model, Flexible biomolecular structure and function.

Zecheng GAN

Applied math, Computational electromagnetism and hydrodynamics, Computational materials science, Data-driven and machine learning methods.


Conducting polymers and nanocomposites, Functional polymer foams and porous materials,Lightweight materials from 3D printing, Polymer upcycling.