BEng in Materials Science and Engineering

Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain materials problems arising in different areas of science, technology and the society. (Knowledge)
  2. Apply the structure-property relation tools to elucidate the problems arise in above mentioned areas. Design and implement efficient materials discovery/improvement to find the structure property relations. (Execution)
  3. Evaluate information and make independent judgements through solving property characterizations. (Judgement)
  4. Communicate effectively about Materials Science and Engineering to both lay and expert audiences. (Communication)
  5. Demonstrate self-direction in tackling and solving problems and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks. (Autonomy)
  6. Use a global perspective in conjunction with Materials Characterization Techniques to address the issues of importance in science, technology and the society. (International outlook)

Future Career Prospect

Through the professional training of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), graduates will have solid professional knowledge and engineering capabilities in materials science, be competent for work in relevant fields, and play an important role in the industry of materials science.

In terms of specific industries, aerospace, industrial manufacturing, electronic information, energy, computers, communications equipment, biomedical equipment, building materials, home appliances and other industries will become the main industries for graduates to join in materials science and engineering.

According to the professional division of materials science and engineering, the future career opportunity may include: 1) Material design and preparation: It is necessary to understand the knowledge of various material preparation methods, be able to design and develop synthesis processes, and control quality; 2) Material characterization: It is necessary to understand various characterization methods, carry out special characterization techniques for different materials, and conduct accurate analysis; 3) Material application: It is necessary to understand the various characteristics of materials, and use materials as solutions to solve the shortcomings of devices through basic knowledge such as physics and chemistry; 4) Material design automation: It is necessary to master the knowledge of material informatics, be able to customize and optimize software and simulation tools, and provide support for material and related structural design.

Program Structure

Curriculum Requirements

Curriculum Requirements: BEng in Materials Science and Engineering

Student’s Pathway

At HKUST(GZ), students can develop their own student's pathway according to their personal interests and specialism with Academic Advisors.

Normative Pathway Example

In Year 1 and 2 students will enroll in Fundamental Courses according to their interests and background as well as courses in other areas to fulfill the University Common Core requirement.

In Year 3, students can declare their major in Materials Science and Engineering and have Domain courses starting in Year 3.